β€œThe heart is like a mirror. When we dust it off, we are able to see ourselves. The dust is all our stuff – guilt, anger – this stuff is reflected back to us. Practice removes the dust from the mirror of our hearts.”

~ Krishna Das

 When: Friday 17 September 2021
Time: 7.30pm - 8.30pm (Online via Livestream)
Investment: $30 (including $5 donation to Charity - Shakti Australia)
With: Lydia Richards


Shake off the heaviness of Winter with a 60-min sound journey with Lydia Richards.

Spring is a time for dusting off, purification and renewal. Equally, it is a time to honour Mother Earth and her beautiful gifts of new growth and Shri (beauty + grace).

When I think about Spring I think of joy and possibility. Joy is different from happiness in that there is an element of excitement to it. For example, a thirsty person will be happy when they drink water, but when a thirsty person who has been walking the desert for days sees a lagoon in the distance, they experience pure joy.

This workshop will fuse:

  • gentle somatic movement to prepare your body to absorb the sound experience

  • a live sound journey using live instruments πŸͺ” (we’ve tested it online and it is πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸŽ₯)

  • divine Mantra invoking the energy of Devi Lakshmi, the Goddess of Beauty, Fertility + Abundance 🎢

A perfect combination for your Spring awakening! 

Think of this as an energetic spring clean-out, with sound and sacred vibration as your duster! 🧽

It is my heart-felt intention that this experience helps you release the heavy bag of β€œstuff” you drag behind you, and move back into the world lighter and more vibrant than before.

See you there🀞

Love Lydia xx 

P.S Your presence will also help you to realise greater karmic benefits, with $5 from the ticket price being donated to Shakti Australia - a not-for-profit organisation serving migrant and refugee women of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origins.

This experience truly is a gift for all.

How to prepare:

For your comfort and best receiving of this experience, please prepare ahead of time:

  • Your yoga mat or soft surface underneath you (carpet/towel)

  • A blanket to cover your body for cosy warmth

  • A small pillow/cushion to support the back of your head in the relaxation with sound

  • Something to cover your eyes (eye pillow or face washer etc)

  • Your preferred method of speaker - headphones, computer, external speaker, we’ll give you some time to test at the start of the event so you can set yourself up for the best β€œsound'β€œ

  • Any other blocks, bolsters or props you may wish to use during the practice and relaxation

"If you really want to remedy the earth, we have to mend mankind. And to unite mankind, we heal the Earth. "

~ Suzy Kassem
